What is schlock?  The scourge of decent society?  The antidote to mass media boredom?  A way of life?  All of the above?  All these questions and more are answered in the Schlockmania FAQ...

What is schlock?

That word has many meanings but here’s the short version – schlock is commonly used to refer to entertainment that is cheaply produced, created for artistically shallow reasons and usually motivated by profit.  Of course, that definition only works if you’re a bluenose or Michael Medved.For the purposes of Schlockmania, we consider schlock to be any pop culture artifact that strays outside socially/critically acceptable definitions of art to deliver the goods in a uniquely personal style.  In other words, the stuff you aren’t supposed to enjoy but still do.

What’s the purpose of this site?

Schlockmania offers a series of reviews and essays that explore schlock in its many permutations.  It is all driven by the belief that schlock is just as deserving of study and intelligent appreciation as high culture.  You can and should enjoy it without having to feel guilty.  You can even use your brain – the best schlock has a lot going on beneath the surface of its cheap thrills.  Schlockmania is here to show you how this can all be done.

What exactly does the site cover?

It is our hope that this site will provide a comprehensive guide to the schlock experience in its many forms.  If it brings the schlock, you’ll find it here:- Schlock-Optic covers schlock in its movie and televisual formats- Schlock-Wire dishes up news on upcoming schlock in all forms- Schlock-O-Phonic tackles the schlock music world- Schlockuments takes on schlock-related literature- Schlockephemera offers essays on thought pieces that fall outside the above categories. In addition to these categories, all entries have several tags for additional categorizations.  Use the content-filtering system of your choice and go wherever your mind takes you.

Are you willing to sell or trade the items you discuss on the site?

We do not sell, distribute or trade any of the books, films and music discussed on the site.  However, we do provide links to Amazon for items that are currently available and suggest other vendors in the Schlock Links section on the right of the page.

Where else can I go for schlock information?

Click on Schlock Link on the top or bottom of the screen and you will be redirected to a page with a comprehensive list of Schlock Destinations (the big sites with schlock info and reviews) as well as several Schlock Blogs that offer a more personal take on this material.  Between the two lists, you'll find plenty of worthwhile information to further your schlock education.